
Quick and easy sign-up available on our website. Once you have an account simply open a support ticket requesting your reseller referral link. If for some reason your referral signs up without using the link just let us know and we can credit your account.

Recommend our offer

If you like our service recommend it to others so you can receive cash or credit to your account. Receive up to 20% on each purchase your referral makes during the term of his/her account.

Earn with us

These credits will accumulate in your account. You can use these to buy more services with us, or once total amount reaches $100.00 cashed out. If you would like to learn more please contact us!

Why choose IONblade?


Optimum performance with multiplelayers of caching, isolatedserverresources, and a highlytuned version of PHP.


Experts are available to help you whenever you need it with hosting through chat, tickets and phonecallbacks.


We offeranindustryleading rock-solid 100% uptimeguarantee.


Sitesarehosted on fast SSD servers. Get up to 200% the speedcompared with HDD hosting.

About ionblade

Ionblade was established in 2008 and offers such services as: server colocation, data transfer and non-standard VoIP solutions, IT outsourcing, hosting services, VPS and dedicated servers. Ionic also sells internet domain names registrations and SSL certificates.

Our priority is delivering the best possible services in competitive prices. Now company has 500 physical servers and thousands of customers. Each service and device are being monitored 24/7.

We use technology from the world's biggest vendors: APC, Cisco, STULZ, Dasan Networks, Dell, HP. We have own TIER 3 data center.


Our affiliate program allows our partners to profit either monetarily or through services we offer by referring partners to Ionblade. We issue a unique link to our affiliates that can be sent to users wishing to sign up for our services. Upon registration a commission will be deposited into the affiliate account to be used at your discretion. If you have any questions about our affiliate program or how we can work together please contact us!

Earn money with us

Quick guide about Affiliate Program:

  1. How to create a redirect
  2. To add redirect

    1. Use the pull-down menu to select the type of redirectionneeded—temporaryor permanent.
      • The Temporary 302 settingwill not update the visitor’sbookmarks.
      • The Permanent 301 settingwillnotify the visitor’sbrowser to update itsrecords.
    2. Enter the URL youwouldlike to redirect, using the pull-down menu and correspondingtextbox.
      • Youmayuse the All Public Domains option to redirectalldomainscontrolled by yourcPanelaccounts.
    3. In the redirects to field, enter the URL to whichyouwouldlike to redirectusers.
      • Youmustspecify a protocol in this field, such as http://, https://, or ftp://.
    4. Select whether to redirect with orwithout www. preceding the URL, using the followingoptions:
      • Whenyouselect Onlyredirect with www, onlyuserswhotype www in front of the pagenamewill be redirected.
      • Whenyouselect Redirect with orwithout www., youwillredirectallusersregardless of whether the www. prefixisincluded with the URL.
      • Whenyouselect Do Not Redirect www., userswhotype www. with the URL will not be redirected.
    5. Click the Wild Card Redirect boxifyouwish to redirectallfileswithin a directory to the same filename in the newdirectory.
      • Example: Whenwildcardredirectsareactive, if redirects to, then a visitortrying to access will be redirected
    6. Click Add.
      • Youmay test the redirect by clicking the link under Directory in the CurrentRedirects table. Thiswilltakeyou to the originaldomain, whichshould be

    Important: Youcannotedit a redirectusingthisscreen. Ifyouwish to modify a redirect, youwillneed to delete and thenrecreateit.

  3. How to remove a redirect
  4. To remove an existing redirect:

    1. Click the buttoncorresponding to the redirectyouwouldlike to remove.
    2. Confirmthatyouwouldlike to remove the redirect by clicking Yes.
      • To keep the redirect, click No.
  5. How to search existing redirects
  6. You may also search through existing redirects:

    1. Enter the searchcriteriainto the Search field.
    2. Click Go.

    Resultsmatchingyoursearchcriteriawillpopulate the list. Youmay sort the list of redirects by clicking on anyheading. The redirectswill be sortedaccording to the attributeyouclicked (for example, Directory or Type).